News & Events


Model Clinical Guidelines Version 3 – Now Available for Public Comment

September 1, 2021

The NASEMSO Model EMS Clinical Guidelines project team is delighted to unveil the draft Version 3 of the Model EMS Clinical Guidelines.

In completing Version 3, the project team has reviewed and updated all existing guidelines, as well as added five new guidelines. Version 3 of the Guidelines, similar to the original version released in 2014, was completed by a team of EMS and specialty physicians comprised of members of the NASEMSO Medical Directors Council and representatives from six EMS medical director stakeholder organizations (AAEM, ACEP, AAP-COPEM, ACS-COT, AMPA, and NAEMSP). In addition, all guidelines have been reviewed by a team of pediatric emergency medicine physicians, pharmacologists and other technical reviewers. 

As part of the process we invite you to provide public comment on this draft version by completing the form below before September 24, 2021. 

NASEMSO Joins National Organizations on Approach for Protecting EMS Workers During Pandemic Surge

August 26, 2021

Several national EMS and fire associations have joined forces to issue a “Joint Statement on Protecting and Preserving the EMS Workforce in the Face of COVID Surge.”   The statement advocates for a multilayered approach that includes adequate PPE, implementation of response and safety protocols, and evidence-based education on vaccines to help the EMS workforce make informed decisions. It can be viewed here.

NASEMSO Partners with ASTHO on EMS Innovative Practices in Responding to Opioid Crisis

August 10, 2021

The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) and NASEMSO engaged in a consensus-building process to identify innovative strategies by EMS providers in response to the opioid crisis. Following a 2-day meeting in March of 2020 of public health officials and EMS representatives, a nationwide survey was developed and distributed by state EMS officials to EMS providers in their respective states and territories. 1140 responses were received from 48 states and territories in the fall of 2020. The results were analyzed and compiled into the July 2021 ASTHO report, Innovations in Overdose Response: Strategies Implemented by Emergency Medical Services ProvidersThe report states, “EMS agencies are uniquely positioned to link patients with treatment and recovery services if desired.” ASTHO found that the most frequent strategies in which EMS providers link patients to care include using a system of care approach; transporting patients to places other than the ED when appropriate (such as treatment centers); administering buprenorphine in the field to the opioid dependent patient; use of quick response teams for post-overdose response; use of safe stations (fire stations where people who use drugs can access care 24/7 without fear of arrest); and mobile integrated healthcare. The report is available at State Public Health | ASTHO.

2021 NPSTC Award Recipients

July 8, 2021

Every year the National Public Safety Telecommunications Commission (NPSTC) recognizes the hard work and commitment its hard-working volunteers demonstrate through important work on behalf of public safety telecommunications while working full-time jobs. The 2021 winners received their awards at the NPSTC Governing Board meeting on June 17th.  The NPSTC Chairman’s Award was conferred on Chief Kevin McGinnis. The NPSTC Chairman’s Award, created to recognize one individual who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership, was presented to Kevin for his consistent unwavering support and dedication to NPSTC and the public safety communications community. Chief McGinnis has served as past Chairman of the SAFECOM program, member of the FirstNet Board of Directors and currently serves as Vice-Chair of the NPSTC Governing Board. He is a past recipient of the DeMello award in 2017. NPSTC’s highest level award, the DeMello Award was created in 2006 to honor the achievement of Richard DeMello, one of the founding fathers of NPSTC and a member of the RCA, who was instrumental in bringing all the frequency coordinators together to form NPSTC. NPSTC grants this award to an individual in public safety communications who has demonstrated the highest levels of personal and professional conduct and performance in the local, state, and national public safety communications arena.

NASEMSO Collaboration on OOHCA Guidance Published in Circulation

July 8, 2021

NASEMSO members Andy Gienapp, Dr. George Lindbeck, and Dr. Michael Levy provided input to “Interim Guidance for Emergency Medical Services Management of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” recently published ahead of print by the American Heart Association in its peer-reviewed, professional journal, Circulation.  Authors urge responders to avoid implementing major modifications to evidence-based resuscitation practices that could lead to a decrease in cardiac arrest survival.  Open access to the publication is now available at here.

ACS NASEMSO Joint Linkage Policy Statement Published

June 1, 2021

Please read our joint policy statement with ACS on EMS data linkages here.

Start Planning Now to Celebrate EMS Week May 16-22, 2021

March 30, 2021

NASEMSO strongly supports this year’s campaign for EMS Week – “This Is EMS: Caring for our Communities.”  Celebrated annually, this year it is particularly poignant to recognize our EMS heroes due to the personal sacrifices many have made to support their communities during the global pandemic. Please join us in thanking everyone who stepped up to the challenge!!!  #emsweek, #thisisems and #emsstrong 

Public Safety Next Generation 9-1-1 Coalition Launches Major Grassroots Campaign

March 19, 2021

 On the heels of the introduction of important legislation to fund the modernization of the nation’s 9-1-1 systems to Next Generation 9-1-1, the Public Safety Next Generation 9-1-1 Coalition announces the launch of a wide-ranging grassroots campaign to educate policymakers and build additional support. 

 The Public Safety Next Generation 9-1-1 Coalition consists of national public safety associations representing law enforcement, fire, EMS, and 9-1-1 professionals who know best what is needed to modernize 9-1-1 and improve emergency response. Learn more at the coalition’s website, which contains detailed information including facts and myths about NG9-1- 1 legislation. 

2021 National EMS Week – A Time to Honor EMS Professionals

March 18, 2021


The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), in partnership with the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT), is proud to announce the EMS Week 2021 theme: THIS IS EMS: CARING FOR OUR COMMUNITIES. The annual campaign recognizes the heroes who provide emergency medical services in communities across the country and takes place May 16th-21st this year.

EMS Week dedicates five days to specific themes, and first responders are encouraged to plan activities and events around these themes in their communities.

·     Monday, May 17: EMS Education Day

·     Tuesday, May 18: EMS Safety Day

·     Wednesday, May 19: EMS for Children Day

·     Thursday, May 20: Save-A-Life Day (CPR & National Stop the Bleed Day)

·     Friday, May 21: EMS Recognition Day

Integral to the campaign’s success is the involvement and support from the corporate sponsors, strategic association partners and strategic media partners.

View Full Press Release

NASEMSO Joins Public Safety Orgs to Applaud Introduction of LIFT America Act

March 12, 2021

As a member of the Public Safety NG911 Coalition, NASEMSO added its support to ensure the inclusion of NG911 in new legislation intended to upgrade our nation’s outdated, underfunded, and technologically inadequate 911 infrastructure.  All 32 Democratic members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee recently introduced the Leading Infrastructure For Tomorrow’s America Act, or LIFT America Act. The sweeping legislation will modernize the nation’s infrastructure, rebuild the economy, combat climate change, and protect public health and the environment. The legislation invests more than $312 billion in clean energy, energy efficiency, drinking water, broadband, and health care infrastructure.  A section-by-section of the bill is available HERE. The LIFT America Act bill text is available HERE.