
New Framework Supports EMS Scope of Practice Decisions

October 29, 2018

The National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO) has collaborated with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) to provide a derivative work of their decision-making framework to compliment state-based rules and regulations related to EMS scope of practice.  NASEMSO’s “Scope of Practice Model Decision-Making Framework for Emergency Medical Services” is now available on NASEMSO’s website at

While EMS personnel have a reasonable understanding of the parameters of their clinical practice upon completion of an EMS program, states frequently receive queries from licensees and the public on psychomotor skills that may be performed by licensed EMS personnel. Scope of practice decisions are related to the interdependent relationship between education, certification of competency, credentialing by medical directors, and a state license to practice. A complete list of acceptable or prohibited practices in each state is not practical because jurisdictional variations are necessary and permitted based on proper authorizations, the availability of resources, and community needs,

Recognizing that EMS practice is continually evolving, this NASEMSO document serves to provide a standardized, decision-making framework for the EMS community with respect to personnel education, role, function, and accountability within the scope of practice. As emerging technology and evidence evolve to transform practice, individuals and agencies need to communicate any ongoing issues/concerns to the state so that regulators and medical directors can evaluate whether changes to rules/regulations, EMS guidelines, or standards need to be considered.

Contact:  NASEMSO Deputy Executive Director, Andy Gienapp
Telephone:  703.538.1799