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Trauma Managers Council (TMC)

Council Overview

The TMC is made up of lead professionals from state trauma programs nationwide. They focus on developing and maintaining trauma systems which reduce severe injury, complications, and death.
The council provides a forum for communication, interaction and networking between peers, other national organizations and federal agencies with similar missions. This forum allows for the sharing of best practices; developing and encouraging mentoring programs; the joint resolution of obstacles and challenges; and the nationwide promotion of evidence-based decision making for EMS system development.

Documents & Resources
Access trauma system-related materials and supporting council documents below (to include meeting minutes, accessible by members only). Resources with descriptions can be found from the "Documents & Resources" button or a list of documents through the "Library" button. 

Documents & Resources Library

Council Leadership & Liaisons

The TMC Steering Committee is made up of the Officers & Regional Representative leads.

Accordion Widget


Wendy O’Hare

Trauma Program Director

Kansas Dept. of Health and Environment


Margaret Wogahn

State Trauma Coordinator

Wisconsin Office of Preparedness & Emergency Health Care


Wendy Allen

Trauma Program Manager

Alaska Rural & Community Health Systems

Immediate Past Chairperson

Eileen Worden

Systems of Care Manager

Michigan Bureau of Emergency Preparedness, EMS and Systems of Care 

Accordion Widget
Regional Representatives
Regional Representatives


Lead: Kate Zimmerman (Maine)

Alternate: Nora McElroy (Massachusetts)

Great Lakes

Lead: Vacant

Alternate: None


Lead: Rob Seeholtz (Tennessee)

Alternate: None

Western Plains

Lead: Vacant

Alternate: None


Lead: Wendy Allen (Alaska)

Alternate: None

View a map of the NASEMSO regions.

Accordion Widget


Council Vision and Mission


To be a national leader in developing and maintaining a fully integrated and functioning trauma system that assures universal access to high-quality trauma care in all states and territories.


To promote the advancement of statewide trauma systems through the development of state trauma system leadership and infrastructure.


Staff Support

Kelli Perrotti

Program Manager
Contact Kelli