
SMARTS Committee – Substance Misuse, Assessment, Recovery, Treatment & Surveillance


The SMARTS Committee – Substance Misuse, Assessment, Recovery, Treatment & Surveillance was created by NASEMSO to share EMS best practices in response to overdose patients. While EMS agencies have for decades administered life-saving naloxone to patients to reverse opioid overdoses, the dramatic increase in overdose deaths in recent years has necessitated developing approaches that go beyond reversing the overdose and provide opportunities and support for long term recovery. State Offices of EMS are increasingly developing strategies and programs to address this critical need.

Meeting schedule

The SMARTS Committee – Substance Misuse, Assessment, Recovery, Treatment & Surveillancemeets the 1st Thursday of each odd-numbered months, at 2:00 PM Eastern, except when meeting in conjunction with the NASEMSO Annual Meeting.



Timothy Seplaki, BS, NRP
Office of Emergency Medical Services
New Jersey Department of Health

Vice Chair

Stephanie Busch, BS, AEMT
Division of Emergency Preparedness, EMS and Injury Prevention
Vermont Department of Health

For More Information

Mary Hedges, MPA
NASEMSO Program Manager